The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The momentous time will come when you and I will fuse into oneness. Such is our common destiny. No longer will there be a ‘we’ in our relationship, as our wills and desires will have become perfectly superposed in a perfect fit.

“Let us use as a metaphor the process you undergo when you consult an optometrist to have him equip you with corrective lenses. He will determine whatever adjustments are needed by asking you to read ever-smaller prints in order to determine at which point your vision is failing you. He will then write a prescription for corrective lenses that will enable you to see clearly both near and far.

“The spiritual process we are undergoing together is somewhat similar. You were born with the handicap of spiritual shortsightedness and were left with no other choice than ‘to do with’. Yet, this is not meant to last for a lifetime, as you were blessed with the enlightened spiritual guidance of those “who have eyes to see and ears to hear” whatever is out of the reach of your current perception. Therefore, far from being hopeless, your predicament is very hopeful.

“Just as the expertise of the optometrist makes up for your loss of vision, I, your Thought Adjuster, performs myriads of spiritual adjustments upon your asking. Should you choose this course of action, you will witness for yourself that many blurry areas are lifted one by one from your spiritual vision field to allow for Truth, Beauty, and Goodness to come into focus. Then will come the day when you no longer need to wear ‘bifocals’ to adjust your vision to Mine. You will see what I see! As well, due to this newfound oneness of being and unity of purpose, no longer will our opinions be dissenting and we will unanimously seal the deal of our eternal partnership by trading the two letters in ‘we’ for the single letter ‘I’.”

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