The Inner Sherpa


"I AM"

Thought Adjuster: “The preordained objective of each human personality is to become Godlike. This seems to be far out of the human reach, very ambitious, and even presumptuous. Yet, it is what Jesus achieved in the course of His short human life, thus demonstrating the do-ability of this amazing metamorphosis.

“Today, I would like to suggest a practical exercise meant to direct you toward the quest-worthy attributes of the expanded YOU. The principle of the communion of souls is that they merge into oneness and act as one. You and I, your Indwelling Spirit, have been promised to one another ever since the day I came to indwell you, at your first moral decision. I had been observing your development, and once you demonstrated that you had a very real potential for eternal survival, I jumped into action and, unbeknownst to you at the time, we entered into a very real partnership.

“An objective examination of the many ‘twists and turns’ of your life will lead you to a greater assimilation of the lessons embedded therein and taught to you by these very effective teachers that you may have perceived at the time as very harsh disciplinarians.

“What will it feel like when you perfect your being and become fully united with Me? Our voices will then become one as well. This is the reason why I would like for you to practice the following with all the sincerity you can muster, knowing that I AM speaking them along with you:

I Am Love in Action; I Am Compassion; I Am Understanding.

I Am Forgiveness; I Am Mercy. I Am Benevolence.

I Am Patience; I Am Peace.

I Am Joy; I Am Bliss.

“Use them as a powerful mantra whenever you need to remember who you truly have been conceived to become. Allow for them to infuse your psyche and they will become very real agents of positive inner change. Indeed, rather than crushing your small self with negative self-talk, as so many of you are prone to do, lift it up toward Oneness with your Higher Self by entertaining such an empowering vision of who you truly are.

“These are the words that you will be able to truthfully speak for yourself on that glorious day when you will have reached godlike perfection. Just as Jesus was able to say “The Father is in me and I am in the Father”, you will KNOW that it is the case and that we have become ONE. Your imperfect self will have been left in the past— “I was”, and you will now speak with authority these two simple words: “I AM”. Just as the many voices of a choir harmoniously blend into a greater voice, our voices will perfectly overlap one another and you will be empowered as Divine Sons or Daughters. This will be yet another activation, taking you the next level of your experience and the first one of our common eternal future.”

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