The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “I Am That I Am. Let Meexpand upon it. Indeed, it is how the Father speaks of Himself. I Am That I Am. Five short and concise words with an infinite content. What does it tell you about Him?

“Many among you take great pride in labeling themselves in multiple ways, as well as displaying their diplomas, medals, and trophies on their personal walls of fame. Yet, unknowingly, they greatly limit their sense of identity.

“The Father IS. The human vocabulary would not suffice to describe the immensity of His being and the unfathomable depth of His character. Yet, it is contained in these few words: “I Am That I Am.”

“The Father is unchanging and lives fully in the eternal Now, while human beings are constantly evolving and progressing through multiple identity crises. “I am no longer who I once was”, “I will change” are some of the statements frequently heard and they are accurate as pertains to the human nature. Yet, all of you will one day become anchored in their true self. You will reach the point where you will summarize your expanded self withthese few humble words: “I am who I am.” You will have resolved your inner conflicts and unified your being. You will have reached oneness with Me and espouse My vision of our greater self: I Am that I Am.

“Isn’t it amazing that so much pride is being drawn from compartmentalizingwho you are: I am a Doctor, I am rich, I am powerful… Many are trying to impress others by blowing their own horn. Yet, by doing so, they are limiting their potential greatness. Do not rest on your laurels! Rather, search to bring your personality to full bloom. You are so much more than what you do at any given moment. You are so much more than what you think you are! Do not limit yourself by overinflating one aspect of your life. Rather, dig deeper within yourself and bring to the light more and more of the shining facets of your being.

“Indeed, you are multi-faceted diamonds, being polished by the occurrences of time and space and by your interactions with an infinite array of unique personalities that can act as sandpaper to bring a perfect shine to your amazing God-given personality. “I am That I am” forever leaves the door open for more growth and expansion.”

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