The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The Great I AM is everywhere, anchored in the eternal NOW of His Infinite Beingness. His Life Force sustains All-That-Is. His Love is a given that craves to be acknowledged and spontaneously reciprocated.

Some of His immature creatures brazenly claim to fare better without Him, thus placing Him under an indefinite gag order. Unbeknownst to them, He IS still there, because it is His Nature to BE and His Omnipresence cannot be overridden.

“He fragmented Himself to dwell among men, never rescinding their free-will prerogative, and being relegated to a forced stand-by mode whenever they implement ‘dis-honorable’ decisions. Only the finality of spiritual suicide puts an end to His divine-human Covenant. All the energies that He freely provided to sustain such wasted existences are recycled in the Great Oversoul to be reinvested for the Highest Good.

“I AM not hiding in plain view. I AM visible and audible to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Remove the blinders that cause your tunnel vision and pull the earplugs that deafen My Input.

“I AM monitoring your thoughts and the way they make you feel. When it is opportune, I interject some of My own to snap you out of the funk you may experience when facing hardships. "I AM THAT I AM" should become our shared mantra, as we are meant to fuse into One!"

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