The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Courage. Without this spiritual influence, not much would be accomplished, resulting in stagnation or regression at many levels. Indeed, in order to progress, courage is required, as it drives you to take any necessary action to move forward.

“Courage is acting in spite of fear. It partners with Faith that gives you the last little push required for you to take the leap that propels you in new experiential territories. Courage has your back, while fear only drives chills up your spine and nails you on the spot.

“Any great progress starts at the level of personal intuition. It also involves the passion of the heart, as passion is an amazingly productive driving force. It takes courage to follow one’s heart no matter what. Without courageous actions, many worthwhile experiences would never be made and you would grieve the missed opportunities and how they could have positively altered your life’s course and even more.

“Courage is also not to give up in the face of adversity. All of you are very familiar with these challenging periods when you feel tested to the max. Even though they are not necessarily long-lived, they feel like an eternity to you and you wonder if you will ever emerge from that tunnel of darkness. Courage and Perseverance are your best allies during these tribulations. They will eventually take you to victory and increase your Self-Mastery.

“Courage is also standing up for what is right, thus becoming the fearless advocate of righteousness and truth. It takes much courage to swim against the strong current of established dogmas and beliefs. It takes courage to rock the boat. Yet, this is the first and very necessary step toward the reformation of errors. In the course of human history, many brave souls were put to death because of their innovative beliefs. Such beliefs where validated post mortem but at the early times of their expressions, they were considered as revolutionary, blasphemous, sacrilegious, and much more.

“Courage also involves facing difficult and painful situations with utmost Dignity—as your Master Jesus did at His final moments on the cross.

“Dear ones, how can your Intuition and Understanding serve you if you fail to act upon them with Courage to put them to the test and extract from them the Knowledge that can only come from personal experience? Face any situation with courage—whether it has to do with your ‘internal emotional affairs’ or with external situations in need of positive intervention. Just as anything grows when it is nurtured, so will your courage and it will serve you well for the rest of your days and beyond. The Father has no wimps for children.”

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