The Inner Sherpa



“Human love may indeed be reciprocal, but divine love is outgoing in all its satisfaction-seeking.” [UB 1739:06]

Thought Adjuster: “What if? Yes, what if you were to listen in on the Parent-Teacher conferences that are held between your Divine Parents, your personal Divine Fragment and your various celestial Teachers? What would they have to report about your progress? Which concerns would they express as to your spiritual evolution?

“As you know by now, you are surrounded by a loving Faculty who have your spiritual progress at heart and who do their best to motivate you by awakening and stimulating your spiritual appetites. How do you respond to their many prompts? Are you determined to skip school even though you can be home schooled and do not need to go anywhere to be privy to this higher education? Or are you applying yourself to be an honor student, determined to graduate cum laude whatever your current cosmic coordinates may be?

“Your attitude determines whether you are unconsciously and randomly drifting through the currents of life or intentionally and bravely setting your course toward the fulfillment of your life blue print. It should therefore be part of your mental hygiene to start each day with a positive outlook rather than dreading the moment to get out of bed and dragging your spiritual feet throughout your day, thus depriving yourself of joy of living.

“The co-creative process is a very joyful process as there is no higher calling than the one to partake in the ever expanding manifestation of genuine beauty, truth and goodness in your immediate surroundings. Truly, the whole cosmos is in need of conscientious and enthusiastic landscapers. And there is so much to be worked on, starting with your inner landscaping. As you freely assert your willingness to participate, you will receive more and more pointed instructions and you will be privy to useful information, very pertinent to each now moment of your existence.

“Ask, listen, and follow through. Follow the loving impulses of your heart as they are a powerful driving force in the right direction. Love is the substance that has to be expressed into this world by each individual heart in order to entice other hearts to express their own designer fragrance. Can you imagine what life would be on your planet if each one of you would live it with an open heart, exuding its unique and irresistible perfume? Soon, the world would become the Garden of Eden it was meant to be eons ago and a glorious chapter would be initiated in the history of Planet Earth—the chapter where She moves toward the happy ending of being settled in Light and Life.”

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