The Inner Sherpa



“The affectionate dedication of the human will to the doing of the Father’s will is man’s choicest gift to God...” [UB 22:05]

Teacher: “Dear child, as you ready yourself to receive our messages, the thought comes to your mind that you are like one of these little flash drives, plugged into a computer in order to receive and safe keep precious data. Indeed, you are part of a much greater organism at so many levels of your being. If only human beings could become aware of the multiple levels of their interconnectedness!

“At the material level of your life, you depend on one another to be sustainable. Each village needs a baker, a milkman, a plumber, and so much more. Their mutual services are what generates a greater quality of life for each villager.

“At the emotional level of your life, your emotional climate is subjected to many ebbs and tides depending on the quality of your emotional connections—your relationships. There too you are emotionally connected to a greater and very complex emotional network.

“At the spiritual level of your being, as you grow in your ability to think independently and are pro-active in your quest for expanded Truth, you are also establishing precious spiritual connections with a greater network meant to assist you in your spiritual maturation process.

“What is of utmost importance is that you consciously plug your being in the cosmic ‘super computer’ rather than carelessly choosing to be connected to unprotected networks at risk of being invaded by malignant viruses putting your overall wellbeing in jeopardy.

“We will constantly admonish you to “Go to the Source” as the Source is immune to any contamination. The Source is your ‘inner-net’ that stores all the records worthy of being archived and all the information needed to evolve toward total harmony—at all levels of existence.

“Dear ones, only your personal experience will validate that fact. You are the explorers and the spiritual fact finders. Such experiences are very real but non-transferrable. You can awaken in others the desire to go on their own experiential quest by sharing your spiritual anecdotes with them just as a traveler recounts the highlights of his travels. Yet, he will never be able to fully convey all the aspects of his personal experience as you would have to be there in person in order to smell the fragrances in the air, to taste the spices of the ethnic foods, to register the warmth of the smiling faces that you encounter, and so much more.

“We admonish each one of you to initiate your own spiritual quest from where you stand at this very moment. No need to copycat others. You are unique and you have a very unique journey behind you and ahead of you. What matters is that you make use of your divinely calibrated inner compass that will always point flawlessly to the destination of Paradise.”

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