The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “It is difficult for human beings to grasp the concepts of Timelessness and Spacelessness as they experience their lives foremost through their connection with the elements of Time and Space.

“Yet, if you stop and think about it, you could acquire a feel for it. Let us focus on your mind for an instant. Can you put a time stamp on your thoughts? Do they have a shape? “No” is the obvious answer on both counts. Thoughts are timeless and spaceless. They are part of your pre-reality, i.e. they belong to an abstract realm until such time when they are ‘acted upon’ and thus become manifested in your physical reality.

“The thought process is the precursor of creation. Another major point for consideration is that your thoughts are not ‘terminal.’ What do I mean by that? Just as in a chess game, you may toss an idea around. Your mind can follow the thread of each contemplated move and assess its potential outcome based on various imagined case scenarios. It will then decide whether or not such a thought has survival value, i.e. whether or not it can be transmuted into a worthy reality by acting upon it. As long as they remain in the mental realm, such thoughts have no impact on your reality. They are potential blueprints on your mental drafting board.

“A human being focused on the highest values of Truth, Beauty and Goodness will be able to make very informed decisions when he/she uses these criteria for decision making. You can back pedal in your thinking as much as you deem necessary. This is the reason why it is independent of the time factor. Yet, once you make the decision to act upon the directives provided to you by your thinking, you transmute your thoughts and anchor them in your Time/Space reality.Once ‘real-ized’, you cannot undo as easily what may turn out to have undesired effects. This could be another way to interpret your Master Jesus’ words: "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” [Matthew 18:18]

“Once things are set in motion and find their manifestation in your physical reality, you cannot magically erase them as they are no longer in the drafting phase. It will require a laborious process of ‘recovery’ to fix what has been birthed unwisely. A broken plate can be glued back together. Yet, it will not be restored to its initial pristine state.

“If you look further at such a creative process, you will also realize that actions have in turn consequences in the invisible and yet very ‘real’ spiritual aspect of your life. I am talking here about the fruits of Spirit that, when manifested through righteous living, come to beautify your personality and cannot be taken away from you as you come increasingly closer to incarnate such transcendental values.

“Therefore, while living in your physical embodiment, you are already connected with timelessness and spacelessness. You belong to both worlds and your planetary life canhave eternal repercussions.”

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