The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: Let us talk about timelessness and spacelessness. Those are realities that seem way beyond the scope of your human understanding. Yet, it is not quite so.

Let Me use an example. Whenever you switch to an imaginative mode, you can instantly and seemingly magically bring forth in your mind those things or situations that you visualize. It happens independently of the elements of time and space to which you are bound by the gravity of your material existence.

Mentally picture your dream house. You may scratch some of your initial mental drafts or to edit and refine them based on your wishful thinking. This is an instantaneous, quick, and joyful process. Yet, because you depend on the gratification of your physical senses, it is not as tangible and fulfilling to you as if it were firmly anchored in your physical reality.

This is whentime and space come into play. To actually build your dream house, you will have to acquire a plot. You may have to take a loan and get a job to save money over time. Also, even though you successfully manifested your dream house in your mind, you may lack the skills to build it into reality. You will need to hire an architect to ‘actualize’ your mental plans and enlist a contractor who will establish a logical and chronological work flow. Solid foundations will have to be poured with the assistance of heavy equipment even though you bypassed that process in your mind. I guess you get the picture.

Yet, the fact that your home was fully conceived and initially manifested in our mind shows that part of you that is spiritual and not bound to your time-space experience on this planet. Your mind is space less and can instantly do and undo things at will. It is also timeless and can fast forward or backward. Yet, once the final version has become translated on the physical plane, things cannot be altered so easily, as it requires time and physical effort to do so.

When you turn inward to spend time with Me, you get a very real taste of what it is to live unattached to time and space. Indeed, your perception of both time and space dissipates in that process. This is why this spiritual communion is so precious as a foretaste of things to come in the eternal future. You are a spirit in a physical embodiment and there is a very real bridge spanned between these two facets of your reality.”

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