Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Thirst—the thirst for Love experienced at soul level. The Father created you to be a vessel for His Love. He gave you a strong sense of appreciation for Beauty, Truth and Goodness by equipping your heart with very fine receptors for these three foundational creative values. Once subscribed to by an awakening soul, they generate Love in that person’s heart and such a heart, filled to the brim with Love, experiences a quality of Joy never experienced previously—pure Bliss.
“Many human lives are seemingly squandered, as their human vessels are not in sync with their divinely assigned purpose and are being severely misused. How would you feel if you witnessed the defilement of a golden chalice by its misuse as an ashtray? Wouldn’t you be outraged by such a disrespectful and sacrilegious behavior?
“Yet, many human souls are not honored as they should be by their human receptacles; they are not given the place of honor in their lives and very little spiritual growth—if any—takes place during the precious foundational years of earthly living.
“Dear ones, your soul thirsts for the living waters of Spirit. You alone can open its valves so that it can be flooded by the values that sustain eternal life rather than being drowned in iniquity or choked to death by ruthless and self-centered behaviors. Indeed such behaviors are murdering your soul.
“As you establish the daily routine to come to Me, I will refresh your soul with My living waters. I will quench its thirst for true Love and I will saturate it with so much Love that, after sponging it up, it will spontaneously bless others with its overflow.”