Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that people travel through life in many different ways and at various speeds. Some of them are like freight trains that drag behind them with great difficulty many wagons filled with unwanted emotions that they failed to recycle. Others have been willing to sort through their emotional junk and to recycle it along the way—no more strings attached.
“It is obvious that the ones who are having the time of their life are those who are focusing on the now moment and enjoying its ever changing landscape. Those who remain stuck in a junkyard or are trying to move forward hoarding their junk are having a very unpleasant experience as they are breathing the stinky fumes of festering lower emotions instead of enjoying renewed breaths of fresh air.
“Nothing can improve in the quality of their lives unless they become aware that they have the ultimate say in the matter. Why travel in a freight train when you could travel in a fancy convertible? Why are so many resistant to let go of their emotional junk and refuse to separate themselves from these depressing travel bodies? By constantly revisiting painful past events, they keep them alive in their present experience.
“No life is exempt of roadblocks. The river of life may meander easily for a while until it suddenly presents you with a great boulder against which you could crash, were you not anticipating such a possibility. The waters keeps flowing around the boulder and you can find a way to circumvent that potentially dangerous situation without drowning in the momentarily tumultuous currents.
“If you could only learn to look at your life the same way, you would be able to make the obvious informed decision to lighten your skiff from the heavy emotional burdens that you have been carrying along and that are placing you in great danger of sinking.
“Nothing will improve unless YOU take charge. You may blame life for piling upon you difficult experiences and allow your soul to be literally buried under the resentment that you have developed toward them—to the point where it may suffocate for lack of emotional oxygen. Why consciously chose such a sad state of affairs while having the option to deal once and for all with the past? The past is past and yet you are constantly giving it a free pass it in the present while it has nothing new to offer.
“Healing has to take place and forgiveness is the only way to sever the painful ties that keep you connected to past events. Are you held hostage by your past? Forgiveness will loosen its hold on you. Forgiveness is the ransom that you will have to come up with in order to free yourself from its bondage.
“Difficult emotions come to the surface to be dealt with; you can keep feeding and fattening them, or you can decide to starve them to death. Such a decision, while a no brainer, is met with much resistance. Until you come to your own conclusion about your inner mental state, your potential happiness will be just that—an unrealized potential.
“Dear ones, look at your life with honesty: Are you pulling behind you a freight train constituted of wagon after wagon of grudges, anger, resentment, hurt feelings, etc.? Or have you been able to already let go of much of these hazardous wastes? Are you propelled forward by faith, hope, and positive anticipations? Are you accessing each new day with a fresh can-do attitude or are you still wearing yesterday’s stained and crumpled clothes that fail to reveal your beautiful and vibrant self?”