The Inner Sherpa



“Greatness lies not so much in possessing strength as in making a wise and divine use of such strength.” [UB 557:11]

Thought Adjuster: “You are born into this world in families whose social statuses are at times worlds apart. Some are born in utmost poverty, while others get to enjoy the many external privileges of material abundance. This is the background of the canvass that is presented to you at birth. What will you do with it?

“Mark Twain, in the tale of the Prince and the Pauper, describes the experiences of two lads who trade places and thus get to experience each other’s world, their contrasts and how they affect the way they are being treated—with respect or disrespect.

“You are both a Prince and a Pauper. Independently of your social status, you are all of the royal lineage—sons and daughters of God. Yet, some of you feel estranged from their birth family, living in ignorance as to their true origin. You may have flashes of insight at times, revealing to you that you are equipped for greatness, in spite of your cheap habiliment.

“Indeed, material poverty does not go in pair with spiritual poverty. On the contrary, it is frequently the opposite. There are many spiritually wealthy individuals who wear the garments of poverty. And there are many rich individuals who are utterly poor in spirit, failing to awaken to that fact, as they are being fooled by the lures of wealth and the comfort of their material life.

“Many great men made the brave personal decision to leave the mansions of their infancy to explore the real world. This is how they acquired their true greatness. As well, many individuals stemming from poor families left a lasting impression in this world by sharing their inner wealth and wisdom.

“Dear ones, go within and look at yourself from a spiritual perspective: Are you a pauper in spirit? If so, you can remedy that, as those who are wealthy in spirit are generously sharing their treasures—just as your Master Jesus did as He lived among you. Are you rich in Spirit? Then, go out into the world and share with others! This is how true wealth is being multiplied. Spiritual wealth will never run out. “A little leaven leavens the whole lump.” “Be the leaven in the dough!”

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