Monjoronson: “My dear child, I am stepping into a space already warmed up by your morning devotional routine. It is a wonderful way to set the stage for a meaningful encounter.
Yes, there is much you can accomplish on the foundation of faith. I would no longer call it blind faith because its foundation has become solid and supportive. It is a well-informed faith, validated by a growing portfolio of experience—yours and those of other ‘faith-filled’ souls.
Once you BELIEVE without any doubt that you are guided, guarded, and protected from on high, the impediment of doubt is taken out of the equation and you will witness great progress.
Overcome any surfacing doubt with a quick course correction. “I believe” can become your affirmation of choice. Speak it with authority so that doubt has no chance to talk back at you and have the last say.
Let your faith have the last word and become the wind propelling your spiritual sail forward on its innate power. Yes, faith is a force! The faithful are forceful. That too would be a wonderful affirmation, wouldn’t it?”