The Inner Sherpa



“You should never forget that intolerance is the mask covering up the entertainment of secret doubts as to the trueness of one’s belief.” [UB 1641:04]

Thought Adjuster: “All of you have experienced at one time or another the rigidity of intolerance. It is a stubborn trait displayed by those who demand full-fledged allegiance to their belief system. Sadly, it is a telltale sign that they have not mustered the personal courage to thoroughly scrutinize the validity of their personal credos and examine how their mindset and ‘heart-titude’ may act as a turn-off for their entourage.

“Love is patient; love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud. It does not dishonor others; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. [1 Corinthian 13:4.8]

“What about intolerance? It is short-tempered, unkind, and entertains festering grudges. It is a jealous mistress who narcissistically claims to have a monopoly on truth. It defames its detractors and tramples their opinions. It is a hard-core crusader who campaigns for the annihilation of those it labels as foolish foes. It is close-minded and unwilling to alter its thinking. It causes harm, spreads distrust, and tenaciously preys on the ‘unbelievers.’

“The Father never demands blind allegiance from His children even though He is the Source and Vessel of all Truth. He applauds them when they conduct their ‘due diligence’ to separate the chaff from the weeds. He IS Love in Action!

“Intolerance is quick at taking offense, while love only takes reciprocated love personally, thus forgiving perceived offenses on the spot, always rooting for the highest good of the beloved.

“Of what are you so afraid? Why is it so hard to objectively scrutinize your belief systems? Isn’t it far more critical to ensure that they do not clash with the Divine Belief System?

“How does your intolerance make you feel? Your emotional discomfort is a sure sign that something is not quite right. Acknowledge it as an invitation to turn within to conduct an honest review. I will help you amend what is faulty in your viewpoint. Trust Me! Once that process has been successfully completed, you will feel great!”

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