The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, as you enter the Stillness, the word coming to your mind is “resourcefulness.” As life seems to bring your way a seemingly continuous flow of challenges in various forms and at various levels, you come to realize that each challenge leads you to take a personal action to wisely respond to it, rather than to emotionally react to it.

“Whenever you have an emotional response, which is bound to happen at first, you are learning to practice your skills of greater awareness and to stop in your emotional tracks in order to think and feel out of the box of your usual reaction patterns. You switch then to a modus operandi of going within in order to figure out what is the most appropriate response from a God-centered perspective.

“This is when you draw upon the spiritual counseling available to you any time you ask and go within to listen to the subliminal input that is then coming your way as it is a universal law that by asking, you shall receive.

“The universes are very rich experientially as they benefit from the accumulated experiential wisdom of zillion of creatures who are very eager to share their gems of wisdom and the tools that they personally used in similar challenging situations. Challenges help you develop resourcefulness, a creative aspect in you. Finding adequate solutions to your life challenges is a creative process--a co-creative process whenever you turn your attention to the Divine in order to victoriously meet the challenge at hand.

“Through your life experiences, you are truly becoming a survivalist as what does not kill you makes you stronger. The Father’s eternal objective is to embrace you in the Circle of Eternity and to extract from you your Divine Essence. This extraction process takes place at all levels of your ascending journey as you undergo a continual refinement process from the gross earthly vibrations tied up to the planetary gravity to the fine vibrations of the divine realms.

“Re-source-fullness is the process of going to the Source in order to receive the appropriate Divine Guidance. It is also the knowing that you are not alone in any situation you encounter and that an amazing resource library is available to you through the wisdom gathered by your earthly siblings who victoriously underwent similar challenges and through the myriads of beings from other realms that are willing to assist you in your journey. Go to the Source, dear One, to re-source yourself in the refreshing living waters! It can truly be said that “Where there is a will, there is a way” – Always.”

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