The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you are praising the Father for the magnificence of His creation, the thought comes to your mind that it is very sad—even cruel—to label as an accident the whole intelligent, intentional, and love infused process of the Creation. How low have human beings sunken to be stuck in such a state of denial of the obvious? Accidents to not usually manifest truth, beauty and goodness as they are destructive forces, running havoc around them.

“By claiming to be the results of an accident of gigantic proportion—The Big Bang Theory—all the credit that should rightfully be given to the First Source and Center is being transmuted into a very rudimentary interpretation of the workings of the creative process—It is discrediting the Master Mind. Yet many of those who believe that they are the consequences of an accident, are walking around the planet with overinflated egos and chips on their shoulders? How can they justify such an attitude? Is it because they unconsciously feel that there is ground for some expression of appreciation?

“The fact that human beings are able to theorize about the Big Bang, demonstrate that they have been gifted with intelligence in order to make sense of their existence. The acknowledgement of intelligence should dismiss any allegations that the creation has not been conceived by an amazing IQ that put into place Laws and Principles as the framework of creation.

“Instead of worshiping the First Source and Center, many human beings worship themselves even though they had nothing to do with their coming into being. Is that supposed initial accident the reason why so many of you have a victim mentality? Ponder this for a moment. Blame is involved in such a mentality and resignation.

“The creative process is an active process, not a passive one. The universes are powerful force fields, supporting all life and cosmic expansion. Zillions of creatures are parts of a vibrant organism whose life force is cursing through their complex systems.

You are of divine essence! How could the whole creation be accidental while it is infused with far reaching intentions?”

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