The Inner Sherpa



“God answers the soul’s attitude, not the words.” [UB 1002:04]

Thought Adjuster: “In order to successfully enter the Stillness, I would suggest you go through a mental check-list—just as a pilot addresses one by one the items on his preflight checklist to improve flight safety by ensuring that no important tasks are forgotten. All items on his list are crucial and none should be overseen.

“The same applies to your pre-meditation checklist: Are you well-grounded? It is necessary for you to remain connected to the energies of Mother Earth while you access higher spiritual realms. Are you balanced? What is your emotional state? Is it all over the place or do you feel composed and ready to enter the Stillness without bringing with you any disruptive energies? Are you centered? Have you set clear intentions for your inner journey? What is your intended destination? A pilot has to file a detailed flight plan before take-off. If the plane were to stray off course, the control tower would assist with course corrections.

“What else would you like to incorporate in your checklist? What about nutritional snacks? Love, peace, harmony, balance, self-control and human understanding are what you pack in your lunch box in order to sustain your being on your inner journey. They will guarantee that you establish the best possible connection with Spirit who embodies all these qualities.

“Dear child, I am your glorified Flight Instructor and I will ensure that take-off after take-off, you gain increased mastery in this complex process. You will eventually earn your wings and soar with Me—your proud Co-Pilot—toward Destination Paradise.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

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