The Inner Sherpa




My Beloved surprised me with the most thoughtful of gifts:

A colorful homespun shawl, where He adroitly interlaced

Rosy threads of Love and golden filaments of Light,

With tiny beads of Wisdom that render it oh-so-bright.

He gently draped it around my frame, prompting me to relax in His name.

I swear this cloak is softer than cashmere and fluffier than down feathers.

It shimmers like the delicate iridescent glitter that adorns my angels’ hair.

I shall forever cherish this most versatile attire,

Fitted both for casual wear and celebratory dinners.

I shall follow to the letter its care label instructions:

“To be hand washed religiously with reputable softeners.

Never in a million years, to be put through the wringer!”


When I get cold hands or feet,

When I shiver from fever or fear,

I shall bury my face in it,

And relish in its magic.

My Beloved knows me so well!

As a final loving touch,

He dipped this flawless fabric

In His Otherworldly Essence,

An additional feast for my awakening senses!

Such a just-because gesture is more than a tender memento,

It is a security blanket infused with supernatural powers.

Like a magic carpet, it propels me to higher spheres.

When I shall depart from this orb,

I wish to travel wrapped in it,

Taking it along on my eternal trip.

After all, my initials are stitched in it.

Anyas Spencer, Medford, OR, November 4, 2018

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