The Inner Sherpa




May our tears wash away the blood of Innocence

Shed in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and France!

May our prayers bring us answers that make sense

And help us forgive without resorting to violence!

Lord, shall we ever be able to forget

The staccato of these nasty bullets

Echoing through darkened neighborhoods

And ripping open the tender flesh of our brotherhood?

Gaia is weary, her heart so achy…

Fresh wounds are inflicted daily, adding to her agony.

She grits her teeth in anguish, begging for human mercy.

She has been violated, polluted,

Plundered, and taken for granted.

We plant land mines under her skin,

We explode bombs to kill our kin.

Her intense suffering wreaks havoc on her system.

She lives in a state of shock, which adds to the mayhem:

Earthquakes are triggered by her shivers of tension

And volcanoes erupt due to her trapped emotions.

Her grief she can no longer suppress

And the dam of her tear-filled reservoir

Finally bursts open to release her mighty stress.

Landslides, flash floods, tornadoes, and tsunamis,

Eventuate instantly, unleashed by The Furies.

They are symptomatic of her extreme discomfort.

What have we created? Can we still abort?

Humanity, wake up!

Anyas Spencer, Medford, Oregon, November 17, 2015

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