The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about communication. The Father’s Master Plan of creation is all about intercommunications as nothing could be without this constant flow of activity at multi levels—the physical one being the easiest one to recognize for human beings.

“Communication is also occurring at much subtler levels that you may label as emotional, ethereal, and spiritual planes. Emotions are either compatible in their flow or incompatible. Compatibility results in a state of peace and well-being while incompatibility is the equivalent of disharmony.

“At a deeper level, there is a very real potential for communication with the Divine Source. It is the ultimate objective of creation—a heartfelt and intelligent connection with the Source of Love and Wisdom. Yet, so many human beings are stuck in belief systems that disclaim that such a relationship is possible and rather assert that such a communication with the Divine requires a translator—a go-between--someone who interprets often intellectually the Father to His children.

“The good news is that everyone is equipped with their own Interpreter—their Indwelling Divine Fragment-- and that there is one universal divine language: the language of the heart that bypasses the spoken word. The Father is foremost a personal Father—not a public figure. He relishes in intimate moments with His creatures—rather than in public appearances.

“The Father speaks directly to your heart and to your mind if you are receptive—open hearted and open minded. He speaks to those ‘who have ears to hear…’

As with every other language, the language of the heart has to be learned and practiced in order to gain proficiency. It takes persistence. Nobody can do it for you. Would you rather receive press releases from the Father or personal notes? Do not be discouraged by those who claim it is not possible. Ask them rather if they ever made the faintest attempt to validate it for themselves. There are many eager explorers who are encouraging you along that path as they have stepped away from the trodden path and successfully established a budding inner connection with All that Is—their One and Only.

“Again, it all has to start within—in the silence of your being where lies have no place as the Truth silently speaks for itself.”

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