The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster:Tomorrow, a solar eclipse will occurover the USA. In some states, it will reachtotality and this two-minute phenomenon, due to its rarity, incited many to drive for hours in order to witness it first-hand. Indeed, it is quite unusual to experience night time conditions in mid-day.

As with many seemingly exceptional natural phenomena, fertile imaginations added to the level of anticipation—some of them going as far as predicting a rapture of biblical proportions.

Let us now use the Solar Eclipse as a metaphor. You find it very extraordinary when the sun is entirely covered by the moon shadow. If this was to last, you would definitely have good reasons to be fearful, as the temperatures would quickly drop to uncomfortable ranges and the lack of sunshine would run havoc on the crop cycles and more.

What about your spiritual life? Are you experiencing a partial or a total eclipse from the Light of the Father? This would be a good way to look at it, wouldn’t it? Whenever the warmth of the sun is missing from your life, you are craving it, as you were not created to thrive in a cold environment. You are like the sunflowers that live in co-dependency to the sun.

There are many spiritual eclipses happening in many lives. Are you a powerless bystander, witnessing the dark forces taking over the spiritual territories of many? Have you turned your back to the light for so long that you no longer can stand it and need to shield yourself from it?

You live in amazing times. You can either be a Light Worker or defect to the forces of darkness. Which one shall it be? No longer is it possible to stand undecided at the demarcation line. No longer is it allowed to procrastinate. A spiritual battle is raging in your world and no one can claim neutrality.

Dear ones, take the time to seriously ponder what is your position in these worldwide hostilities. Use your night-vision goggles to acquire an enlightened perspective to make up your mind, if you hope to live a long spiritual life.”

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