The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Vision and Eyewear. Who among you can claim to have 20/20 spiritual vision? The answer is pretty obvious and yet, many of you act as if they did.

What do I mean by that? You could in some way look at it from the perspective of eyewear. When your vision fails, you submit to a thorough eye exam and even get your pupils dilated in order to be custom fitted with the most precise corrective lenses. Your spiritual vision could stand undergoing a similar procedure.

Are you spiritually short-sided and narrow-minded? Or do you see well in the distance but poorly in your immediate field of vision? Do you zoom on tiny specks thus turning them into huge ugly stains, while completely overlooking the plank blocking your eyesight? Are you blinded by pride, anger, vanity, deceit? Are you in need of optical surgery to remove your spiritual cataract?

Dear ones, you live in the Correcting Time—an epochal event when the wrongs are to be righted and when your world is undergoing mighty‘rebirth pangs’ that will contribute to a mass awakening in consciousness. No longer will the wool be pulled over people’s eyes. Instead, it is being removed incrementally as they spiritual vision adjusts to the glare of undiluted and undeniable Truth.

Allow me to fit you with high tech spiritual corrective lenses. They will remove the fogginess from your inner vision. They will reveal to you the brighter side of things. They will point out very clearly the direction I am inviting you to walk with Me. They will be bifocal and tainted with Love and Compassion. They will literally change the way you look at the world. They will zoom on the beauty and goodness in others, discarding the faulty lenses you were using previously that were amplifying their shortcomings.”

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