The Inner Sherpa



“When you have become wholly dedicated to the doing of the will of the Father in heaven, the answer to all your petitions will be forthcoming because your prayers will be in full accordance with the Father’s will, and the Father’s will is ever manifested throughout his vast universe.” [UB 1639:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Many of you are familiar with the process of writing a business plan backed up with a thorough market study before soliciting a loan from a financial institution. Based on the available parameters, the loan officer will determine the do-ability of your objectives and accordingly approve or deny your loan application.

“As above, so below. This example is a metaphor for the process of prayers. Many prayers are petitions directed to the Father for a specific outcome. All your prayers are heard, but not all of them get the solicited Divine Seal of Approval.

“Selfless or 'non-profit' prayers are considered as the highest priority and dealt with swiftly. Indeed, your prayers of intercession for the highest good of others stand 100% in alignment with the Father’s Will.

“Independently of the content of your prayers, the Father works untiringly and eternally for the Highest Good of His vast creation. This process can be synergistically sped up with the selfless collaboration of the ‘workers in the field’ or the good Samaritans. Then ensues a delegation of ‘powers,’ which is the fabric of miracles.

“When you become a channel for the accomplishment of the Father’s Will in your life, you become one of His myriads of ‘miracle workers.’ You will be guided, guarded, and protected in the fulfillment of your God-given assignments. Indeed, ‘ask, and you shall receive’ also applies to that manifestation process.

“When Mary asked Jesus to remedy the shortage of wine at the wedding in Canaan, the ‘miraculous’ transmutation of water into wine was initiated because His mother’s petition moved Jesus' heart. As well, many of the healings He performed surged from His compassionate heart. Any act of love is assuredly in alignment with the Father’s Will and, therefore, constitutes a point of entry for miracles.

“When you act in godlikeness, your human energies are increased manifold, as the Father amplifies them with His own. Rest assured that whenever you give it your all, the Father will generously subsidize your output.”

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