The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Reprogramming. The Lucifer Rebellion was a process of clever “reprogramming”, made possible due to the spiritual immaturity of humankind thousands of years ago. How could they have suspected that those they were looking up to as their divinely appointed leadership would break their sacred vows and take unfair advantage of the clout they had acquired due to the previous higher services they had rendered?

Indeed, manipulative scammers misuse their fame status by unethically cashing in their brownie points, taking advantage of windows of opportunity to deceive trusting souls. Yet, the time will irremediably come when the outcome of such misguided agendas will be brought to the light for all to see, as actions not aligned with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness CANNOT bear good fruits.

It is time for humankind to be reprogrammed from the ill-intended brain-washing it has been subjected to over time and to heal from the toxic cool-aid it has been served by the mass media in the form of deceptive and upsetting news.

Dear ones, use your gray matter! Question your belief systems! If they are rooted in Truth, they can stand to be scrutinized. If they are erected on the shaky foundations of lies and deception, isn’t it in your best interest to come to this painful and, yet, necessary realization? Why delay the inevitable?

The Father has put into place a very qualified Intervention Team – a heavenly Task Force—whose objective is to set the record straight by deprogramming the minds who have been hypnotized by the magnetic personalities of wrongdoers.

Just as you delete an infected program from a computer and replace it with an uncontaminated one, upon your asking, your thinking will be directed to new avenues that will make sense to you and help you get unstuck from the grooves of misguided thinking.

In order to be redirected to your true life’s purpose, you have to humbly go through the painful process of deprogramming. Rather than viewing it as an admission of failure, look at it at as a liberating breakthrough. Your ego may feel bruised at first and you may regret having wasted so much time on unworthy endeavors, yet, you are richer in experience and wiser for it. This too will show on your report card.”

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