The Inner Sherpa



“Love is dynamic. It can never be captured; it is alive, free, thrilling, and always moving.” [UB1289:03]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that love is like a free flowing dance whose partners are surrendering to its beautiful spell. Love is what the Father is all about; Love is also who you are meant to be. This is a powerful statement as to your life purpose.

“While embodied in your carnal envelope, you may have an external life purpose based on what makes you tick—your passions. Yet, to be passionate about something also involves Love. You see, Love is potentially everywhere. Unfortunately, it has not been activated in many lives and they fail to be divinely empowered.

“Love is the creative driving force—the Alpha and the Omega, the cause and the purpose. Love just IS. Each moment can express it or oppress it. By its nature, Love has to be free to roam the universes. If it were to be captured, it would wither and die in solitary confinement.

“Your heart is a powerful muscle that sends life sustaining blood to the confines of your being. Your emotional heart has the ability to send Love to the confines of the cosmos under the guidance of your intentions. How powerful are you! Keep this in mind as you go through your day. Open the door of your heart as you would open the door of a cage where a beautiful song bird has been kept captive for so long that it forgot its tune. Just as the bird joyfully soars upon its release from captivity, allow your heart to sing a song of Love and Gratitude so that it can be heard by many and remind them that they too are song birds—not vultures’.”

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