The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you are asking how to release once and for all any trapped emotion from your being. What are trapped emotions? They are emotions that have been generated by some type of trauma and are stuck in your being.

“A thought, a memory can ‘recall’ them in your consciousness and you feel them all over again. It is as if you have within yourself a filing system where they have been stored. As you live with more awareness, you come to realize that such emotions are harmful—that they are more like cancerous cells that put at risk and depreciate your emotional real estate.

“They are also affecting your abilities to function optimally. They are like the ball and chain attached to a convict’s ankle; they slow you down and hold you back. You need to divest yourself from such emotional ballast. How do you do that?

“State your intention to sort through this emotional clutter; you have to be willing to look at it—to open the junk drawer of your being. This is not a pleasant activity but needs to be done. I will help you recall the unprocessed experiences of your life that you swept under the carpet as they were too painful to look at. I will help you identify their root system so that you can uproot them from your being—like you would pull out the invasive weeds of your garden.

“If you look at them objectively, you will realize that they are rooted in the past—a past that is no more. Yet, they strongly affect your present and even your future. It takes courage to face the ghosts of the past that hold you captive but it has a great payoff. I will help you come up with the emotional Ransom of Forgiveness in order to regain your emotional freedom. Forgiveness severs any painful ties to these past traumas; it removes their negative emotional charges. It takes the wind out of these conniving emotions and knocks them out.

“Learn to shift the way you look at them. Rather than dwelling on the hurt they caused you, look at the blessings they are now bringing into your life if you stop resenting and resisting them. Let them go! Set them free! Why would you want to hoard stinky emotions? Surround these difficult memories with Light so that they can be cauterized and healed. Be grateful for what they taught you and no longer look back. They will be recycled.

“Become an emotional freedom fighter! Do no longer allow them to victimize you all over again; they will have to comply with your eviction notice and restraining orders. This will upgrade the quality of your life by allowing you to fill your being with more pleasant emotions. This is a weaning process. Be patient and keep working at each one of them as I bring them to your consciousness—a little bit at a time.”

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