Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Laughter and its magical power. Laughter is a physical release of emotions. It is highly contagious and therefore, it is a catalyst and an activator. By laughing without holding back, you are expressing from your being, in a very positive manner, some pent up emotions; you are transmuting them and multiplying the positive impact of laughter by triggering laughter in others as well.
“So many emotions are contagious as human beings are interconnected, whether they know it or know. Laughter is contagious, so is love, so is fear and so is anger. Which emotions are you consciously choosing to share with others? Do you realize the hidden powers you hold within yourself and how your mood affect your immediate environment and, unbeknownst to you, your more remote environment.
“Every emotion has a ripple effect as it is in motion. Individuals who are living with awareness will be able to recognize which one need to be deflected so as not to unconsciously participate in the spreading of low vibratory emotions. Turn this cause and effect emotional ripple effect to your advantage and to the advantage of others. Consciously spread the highest possible emotions you can send out from your being. Spread love, spread joy, spread cheerfulness… Those are truly infectious emotions.
“As you identify within yourself unwanted rogue emotions, realize that they too are highly contagious. A bad mood can truly affect the emotional environment of many others. Place yourself in emotional quarantine until you have put to rest those negative flares in your being. This too is an act of love toward others – not to expose their fragile emotional constitution to destructive and destabilizing emotions. Know when to engage in social contacts and know when to refrain. Get your acts together on an emotional level so as to only exert a positive and uplifting influence on others.
“Whenever you feel out of sorts, come to Me in the Stillness of your heart and I will appease whatever emotions need to be deactivated and I will transmute them, with your collaboration, into emotions of higher caliber which can be safely expressed and shared with others and which can be multiplied through that process of sharing and enhancing one another.
“Go through your day, dear one, and gift others with the seeds of beautiful emotions. Turn their attention to the uplifting emotional potentials of their being.”