The Inner Sherpa



“When a great truth seeker and a great truth giver meet, the result is a great and liberating enlightenment born of the experience of new truth.” [UB 1428:01]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, it seems that each thought coming to your mind unlocks an access door to your being. Thinking of a specific person brings a corresponding impression to your mind. Remembering a joyful or a sad occurrence also brings to the surface some powerful emotions stored in your being—at times in an unprocessed state.

“As you ask for emotional healing—or any type of healing—you have to go to the root of the issue and gain some deep understanding about the process it triggered in your being. Many emotions have been experienced without being ‘understood.’ At times, strong emotions overwhelm an individual and bypass the rational process. This is the reason why it is so difficult for many individuals to understand themselves as they are dealing with powerful emotional influences that have accessed their being without being adequately processed. They are trapped within in a raw and undigested state and will resurface whenever they are stirred by random life events acting as triggers.

“Just as a gun has to be unloaded in order to lose its killing power, difficult emotions also need to be de-activated. Each one can be compared to a land mine that could cause severe damage to the individual who chances to step on it. Some persons are described as ‘volatile’ as their strong responses to some small stimuli reveal that they have stored in their being many difficult and unprocessed emotions.

“It is not an easy task to deactivate those inner ticking bombs. It takes much caution to step in these danger zones. It takes high intentions to perform this painful and yet much needed inner clean-up as it is painful to remove the hastily placed emotional band aids in order to deal with the still suppurating wounds.

“I will wisely guide you through this process as I always have your highest good at heart. As you honestly wish to free yourself from handicapping emotions, I will sustain you with the truth that you need to shed light on them in order to once and for all dispel their lingering shadows.”

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