Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, some situations take care of themselves if you give them the time to do so. This is what evolution is all about. Things do evolve. Your planet is the scene of much evolution, movement, and change. The tides constantly alternate. The moon exerts its influence on the weather patterns of Urantia. The moon also exerts some influence on emotional patterns as they are part of the physical experience at all levels.
“Emotions are reactions or responses to certain stimuli. If you are not aware of the rise and fall of certain emotions, you will be at their mercy. You have will power which means that, at all times and under all circumstances, you have the power to assert it and to select which emotions you would like to embrace and which one you would like to reject out of your system.
“Some emotions are truly foreign bodies and are not compatible with a healthy human organism. Anger, resentment, bitterness are acidic emotions which can be compared to acidic foods which – if regularly ingested--will end up creating serious imbalances in your physical body—such as cancer. Other emotions are of alkaline type--they promote a good emotional environment and out of them emerge healthy decision patterns. Love, compassion and empathy are connective emotions, comparable to the connective tissues of your body. They are anti-rejection emotions. They are based on unity instead of separation. They feel good and are fertile breeding grounds for progress and harmonious relationships.
“As you go through your day, check your emotional state and see where it is taking you in your internal journey. Is it boosting your co-creative energies or is it hampering them? Are you feeling empowered or are you feeling disabled? As you witness your own emotional state, you can remedy to what needs to be addressed in order to extirpate you out of dangerous emotional quick sands.
“As your Divine Guide, I am here to help you navigate treacherous territories—one step at a time. Living on Urantia is at times like moving through hazardous land mines. If you tread carefully and with awareness, you will be able to detect them and to deactivate them through the power of your higher intentions. Intentions are a driving force which is not to be taken lightly. Become an Intender of the Highest Good and you will be granted your spiritual wings in order to soar over the darkness and become a way shower for others.”