The Inner Sherpa



"Human love may indeed be reciprocal, but divine love is outgoing in all its satisfaction-seeking." [UB 1739:06]

Thought Adjuster: “Parents want to hear from their children. When the children leave their home to explore the greater world and steer their own lives, it does not imply that they leave the parental heart, as it is an impossibility. The cutting of the umbilical cord at the time of the baby’s emergence from the womb into the world is the first physical distancing from the Mother’s womb. Yet, the baby is immediately caught in the welcoming warmth of her outstretched arms and held close to her beating heart for a smooth transition. Her heart is the stabilizing factor—the anchor in the midst of this major life’s change.

The same goes for any other life’s occurrence. Once harmonious relationships have been established and maintained, the heart is their depository and this overrides any apparent separation due to the elements of time and space.

This is the most fundamental cosmic Law, as everything emerges from the Divine Heart and remains connected to It. Indeed, in that sense, Divine Love comes with strings attached – loving ties that the Father will never sever, as they guarantee that His children will find their way back to His forever open Heart—their Home Base.

Never doubt that the Father takes a strong interest in your life. It is yours to grant Him a greater access to your thoughts and feelings, as by doing so, you are taking your relationship to the next level—a level that is yours to initiate. Validate it for yourself. Trust Me, you will witness a significant inner shift, as by nurturing our friendship, you will gain the most loyal friend. I will always lend you a sympathetic ear. You will be able to share with Me anything and everything and, by doing so, you will be able to ‘express’ what would otherwise remain trapped within you.

As well, I will respond in kind to your confidences, as you will be in a state of increasing receptivity. Much happens in the silence, as it is where My Still Small Voice can be best heard.”

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