Mother Mary: Dear child, thank you for calling upon me. I am Mother Mary and for many I have become a much longed for symbol of motherhood. I was a mother and I am a mother. I experienced, while on this planet, the heart expansion triggered by giving birth to my children. Since then, I have had much time to purify my own heart and upgrade the quality of my love so as to allow it to be embracing more and more of the children of the earth, my adopted children so to speak.
“I have the privilege of working under Christ Michael’s loving guidance and, like so many other Celestials, I too volunteer to help make a difference on my beloved birth planet. As a wife, as a mother, as a widow, as a bereaved mother, I experienced very intensely the emotional spectrum that so many of you are dealing with, one way or another.
“I am coming through to many to provide them with messages of encouragement and/or of guidance. If they are open to communicating with me, due to their religious upbringing and spiritual beliefs, I can become Christ Michael’s go-between in such cases, His “good will ambassador”. It is all about good will in the realms I am hailing from. There is so much good will; there is so much enthusiasm to be of service! In the afterlife, there quickly comes a point where each creature can let down his/her guard, and let go of his/her suspicions and reservations.
“You are now living in a not so friendly environment where not everyone is trustworthy. There are many predators on your world that only look out for themselves. This is the reason why trust should be exercised with discernment so as to not become abused and misused.
“There is a thorough screening process undergone by all those who volunteer to be of service. Once they have been approved, they take great pride in not disappointing their Master and in carrying out their service of love.
“So many doors are opening to those who truly ask and knock. So many beings are on stand-by, patiently waiting to be summoned in someone’s life field. They are delighted to be of service. They are delighted to provide their input and share their hard earned experiential wisdom.
“Keep asking dear child, forever, as eternity will keep presenting you with new adventures, opportunities for more growth and development. Never again will you experience despair and loneliness as you will truly know that everything is connected and interwoven. There will no longer be such a thing as loneliness. You are never alone, even now, as you have the most loving Divine Fragment within you, specially assigned to share your earthly experience, moment by moment. What a relationship it is!