Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you are wondering what this brand new day will bring into your life. When you reflect back upon your day at bed time, you peruse it for any meaningful experiences or encounters. At times, your day seems ordinary and nothing exceptional stands out.
“Each day is a basic frame work of 24 hours. Will it be a repetition of a multitude of habits, a safe routine? Or will you take chances and search for a more original content in this brand new day? Many of you find comfort in a safe and well established routine. Yet, such a routine does not foster their sense of creativity as it does not live room for it.
“It would be such a joyful event for those who watch over their human charges to see them step out of their boring comfort zone. Ask yourself how you would feel if you were to observe your own life. Would it peak your attention or would you be eager to see that day come to an end as nothing exciting would be contained into it? The answer to that question is obvious. A good movie is a movie who keeps you on the edge of your seat with a constant flow of new developments. It would keep you wondering about its ending. You would like to tell others about it and revisit as it would stand out in your memory bank.
"How many good movie tracks have you stored in your life library? What does stand out? What was meaning-full? Learn to expand your spirit of adventure as it is what life has been meant to be: a multitude of personal adventures interconnected with one another to add even more spices and unpredictability to your own adventure.
“Just as no two snowflakes are alike, no two persons are either alike even though each individual has the same basic physical, mental and emotional make-up. Yet the invisible gifts of personality and creativity are what make you who you truly are. Yours is to express your individuality by coming out of the box where humanity has been striving to blend in. How many strokes of genius have thus been suppressed? How many regrets do such lives leave behind as they were not led in co-creation with the Divine?
“It is never too late to re-form your life and investigate new avenues of living it to the fullest. Many master works are created later in life once the artist has developed his/her own unique technique of expressing his/her vision of beauty. Experience is precious – yours and others’.”