The Inner Sherpa



Jesus: “Forgiveness – For-Give: Dear child, you are calling upon Me to provide you with more insights about Forgiveness. The first thing which has to do with forgiveness is the fact that it is a Gift, one of the greatest and most precious gift you could give to one another.

“As I pointed out during My physical life, who are you to throw stones at your brothers and sisters and to appoint yourself as their judge? As you throw the accusatory stones at others, you are actually stoning yourself for the very same shortcomings that you are condemning.

“Each one of you is truly a reflector and what you reflect in your outside reality is part of your inner reality. Many human beings feel righteous whenever they judge others and, in some way, it helps them deflect their attention from their own inner shortcomings.

“As I walked on this planet, I stayed in a place of Love and learned to look at others with the loving eyes and heart of a Father and the understanding of a brother. Love is always the key player in all transformation as it is infused with the most powerful creative force. Any action devoid of love is short-lived. Any love filled attitude is of eternal value.

“True forgiveness is saturated with love. Many of you are striving to be forgiving, but are hitting inner walls in that process. Your intentions are high, but your abilities are still underdeveloped. As in anything else, mastering the art of forgiveness takes practice. This is why you need to forgive over and over again in order to acquire the loving trait associated with the giving of forgiving. Any giving which is not from the heart does not reach the heart target of the recipient. You are equipped with an internal truth detector and you are also equipped with a love detector.

“The path to true forgiveness leads through your heart. Whenever you feel some inner resistance to forgive, you are functioning from the perspective of a judge. Become a Public Defender instead and feel compassionate toward those who may have caused you harm. I could forgive instantaneously as I knew that ignorance was the culprit in many ill-fated decisions.

“After transitioning from my mortal life, I sent my Spirit of Truth to help dispel ignorance by shedding light on truth. It is part of each individual spiritual journey to search for higher and higher truths as they will deliver you from your own ignorance and will transform your being into the true being of light it has been intended to be.

“Love is the Teacher of Forgiveness. Get your PhD in Love and you will simultaneously get your Degree in Forgiveness. Ask for My help in that process and I will assist you in deactivating the lower emotions of bitterness and resentment who are weighing on you. Turn them over to Me and I will help you dissipate them and lift you up to the next level of your ascension.”

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