The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you spend some time focusing on your heart, you come to experience inner peace and connection with the loving spiritual presences that bathe your world and are ALWAYS here for anyone to tap into. What does it take to do so?

“First of all, it takes to set the stage—both inner and outer. Select a peaceful place where you can sit undisturbed. Condition both yourself and your sacred space so that they can only be accessible to the highest spiritual influences available to you at this time of your evolutionary growth.

“State clearly your intentions to be receptive to their leadings and to be untouched by influences of lesser vibrations. You are expecting Royalty to drop in and you want to ensure that nothing will ruin that precious visitation.

“What gift have you prepared to welcome your valued hosts? The gifts of your open heart and your receptive mind are all what they wish from you. They’ll know that their Presence is truly desired and that this is not just a social call—placed out of duty and very formal in its setting.

“The eager anticipation of your being and the love flowing from your heart toward this date with Spirit build an irresistible magnetic field of attraction. How do you respond when you hear your name being whispered with longing? Doesn’t it intrigue you and set you on a quest to find out who is calling so as to answer such a heartfelt invitation?

“Where Love is, no words need to be spoken as Love is the ultimate experience of fulfillment—filling the soul to the brim, meeting all its needs to perfection, taking it to a blissful state where it wishes to linger forever as it has finally found its Home.”

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