The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Michael Angelo’s beautiful depiction of man reaching out for God came to your mind. Indeed, you feel that way much of the time. You are longing to establish a real connection with Me—your indwelling Divine Spark—and you feel as if you were stretching your whole being on your tippy-toes in an effort to get closer to Me.

“The Father acknowledges the intention of the heart and when the intention is pure and sincere, there is no longer a need for you to stand on your tippy-toes, as He will lower Himself to your level—just as a parent kneels down to establish eye contact with his or her little ones. Such is the parental heart. It does not hover over its progeny; rather it constantly wraps it in a love cocoon.

“Dear ones, do not doubt that you can find Me within you. Do not doubt that I always lend you a listening and compassionate ear. I am NEVER indifferent, as Love is incompatible with indifference. I am involved up to My neck in your life. We are a team if you let it be so—a powerful team—that connects Heaven and Earth within you.

“Indeed, you are a piece of Heaven—a priceless tiny piece of real estate—if you allow Me to ‘appreciate’ it, moment by moment, by ‘fructifying’ your spiritual investments so that their returns can be applied to your next life-stations—building up a heavenly portfolio, so to speak, where the Divine will match your investments and amplify them.

“Cultivate the Team Spirit. Your life will never cease to provide you with ample opportunities to do so, as you are and always will be part of a giant cosmic family.”

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