The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you come to Me daily to nurture our relationship, you wonder if you are making any progress or if you are stagnating. It takes faith to proceed without any external validation. Yet, any nurtured relationship grows. It is one of the Divine Laws of Evolution. It is also the reason why you have to be cautious as how you spend your energetic quota. Do you invest it wisely by focusing on worthwhile endeavors, or do you squander it thoughtlessly and fail to generate any meaningful return in your life?

“I cannot reiterate often enough how important it is to honestly scrutinize your intentions in order to detect whether or not they are tainted with ulterior motives. Human beings are great at disguising their true intentions behind some attractive facades. Time spend in meditation is very revealing if the soul is willing to receive guidance.

“I will reveal to you whether your house is a house of straw, of wood or of stone. If you fail to turn within for My input, life will perform the same job by testing your resilience through challenging situations. Yours is the choice to preventatively work at strengthening your character so that it can withstand such life challenges without being thrown off balance or whether you may be caught off guard and have to activate your resourcefulness in such emergency situations.

“Being prepared for difficult eventualities will help you stay grounded and steadfast. Being unprepared may toss you in any direction the winds of life may blow. This may be the cause of great fear while inner preparedness will not rob you of your inner peace and you will remain calm and collected in the midst of such gusty winds.”

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