The Inner Sherpa



Jesus/Christ Michael: “As you express your heartfelt desire to spend quality time with Me, so it is. Indeed, I have an open-door policy with all My children. As a matter of fact, there is no need for a door—just a threshold. What is that threshold? It is your personal engagement to come to Me in the silence of your heart and mind. It is your desire to cross over from the hustle and bustle of your material life with all its worldly concerns, to the plenitude of My Presence and the comfort of the Holy Spirit—your loving Mother.

“Dear children, I am with you at all times. Haven’t I sent my Spirit of Truth to dwell among you after My departure from your world? For Me, everything is connected through the mediation of this Sublime Spiritual Influence. You are not forgotten ‘down there’ even though there are many dark spiritual underworlds, generated by selfish thinking and acting—a misuse of the sanctity of your God-given imaginative powers.

“My Spirit of Truth is not complex, as truth is what resonates within you in its simplicity. It is how you get in touch with Me—by ‘truthfully’ asking for the guidance of My Spirit of Truth. Indeed, you are equipped with an internal Truth Detector and it is a simple process to assess the validity of your thinking against the universal Gold Standard of Truth, just as you would scrutinize a roadmap to ensure you are on track with your chosen destination.

“Not only does My Spirit of Truth sheds light on your way, It also helps you come up with practical solutions whenever you are in distress and encourages you to make the needed course corrections, knowing well that, once you find your alignment with your life plan, you will progress much faster and with more confident strides. You will then share your own experiential truth with others, as you will have validated for yourself the do-ability of My Advice. Indeed, such isthe unbroken chain of custody of Truth.”

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