The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the student reports to the classroom and calmly and patiently waits for the arrival of the teacher; his/her attitude demonstrates to the Teacher that the lesson is welcome and is anticipated. The Teacher never arrives late, yet it may appear so at times. The perceived delays in the Teacher’s arrival are meant to test the faith of the student in the word of the Teacher.

“Many times, the lesson even starts before the arrival of the Teacher and the student has to extract the essence of the lesson on his/her own so that he/she may qualify some day to teach that very same lesson to others. The Teacher is a Guide, an inspiration. The student has to do the homework in order to acquire the mastery of the skills needed for his/her progression to the next level of experience and understanding.

“Learn to see blessings in all aspects of your life. I know that you would love to receive some progress report and some validation that you are on the right path. Whenever you do not feel pulled in different directions, you are in alignment with your divine pattern. The spiritual gravity is a powerful force and as you dedicate each new day to Spirit and earnestly ask for His Guidance, you are willingly maintaining the activated connection with Spirit and you should trust that fact.

“Reflect on you day at the end of each day in order to consciously extract the essence of that day. This is a great practice of expanded awareness and I will assist you in that. This is the best way for Me to give you a progress report and to give you pointers on how to go about your next day and your next one.

My love and my peace are with you – ALWAYS.”

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