The Inner Sherpa



“The world is filled with hungry souls who famish in the very presence of the bread of life; men die searching for the very God who lives within them.”

[UB 1766:04]

Thought Adjuster: “The Infinity Symbol came to your mind and the thought that it also wonderfully depicts the infinite flow of Love outpoured from the Father’s Heart in Paradise. Love is meant to travel through all hearts, including the giving heart of Mother Earth Herself, before it closes the loop by being returned back to the Father in a perfect circulatory movement.

“Yet, on your world, that Loop of Love has been damaged by the Lucifer rebellion and severed in multiple places. At times, it looks more like a one way street than a loop. Love has to flow and, whenever a closed heart does not have the capacity to acknowledge its blessings, Love cannot access that heart and it greatly impacts the strength of the cosmic flow of Love.

“Each heart has been equipped with receiving and transmitting capacities for Love. However, many hearts have not been activated yet and do not experience what true Love is all about—it cannot exist eternally if it fails to be shared and passed on like it is done in a game of tag.

“You may think that the Father lives in a separate and remote reality, well out of your human league. Such is not the case. He dispatched a Fragment of Himself to live right within you—a loving and wise micro-clone of Himself, who works from within your being to help patch the areas of your inner network that are not functioning optimally due to the birth defects and handicaps generated by the heavy legacy of the Lucifer rebellion.

“Each soul has been equipped with a wonderful love circulatory system that needs to be activated. When a baby is born in a loving family, its organism is love-fed from day one and it has great chances to develop its own ability to love.

“In cases where family love is inadequate, the Father provides it from within and also from the part of the loving celestial entourage of the child—the Guardian Angels. Your Divine Fragment, together with the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit work from within based on your mental receptivity as well as the longings of your heart so that you can become a living cell in the Loop of cosmic Love.

“Just as an engine has to be primed at first—sometimes repeatedly—your divine Fragment and your Angels are bringing into your life synchronicities that are meant to initiate and amplify that process. Yet, your collaboration is required—your heartfelt permission. This is also how you need to proceed toward others. You can make them aware of greater possibilities, but you cannot coerce them into embracing them. Free Will is a prerequisite for Love. You may become Freedom Fighters in the name of Love, but you have to act according to the Golden Rule as it is its only ‘legal’ gateway.”

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