The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear one, as you get ready to spend time in the Stillness every morning, you wonder if the Teacher will show up. Be reassured. Heavenly School is never canceled as the Teaching Staff is huge and each Teacher is eager to share his/her wisdom with the eager students. You belong to that category and we rejoice in spending time with you daily. Sometimes the lesson is dictated to you; sometimes it takes place during a field trip, as daily opportunities arise to help you hone your skills--hands on exercises--as it is through actions and through doing that new mental programs get rewritten in your being. The force of habit and of repetitions is what engraves new patterns in your being.

“The lessons may have to be repeated in various shapes or forms until the student can own up to their content. You are a container and Spirit is there to fill your container to the rim. Yet, Spirit is limited by the size of your container. As you grow in your understanding capacities and as you develop your heart, mind and soul through your steady focus on the divine agenda, you qualify for an upgrade in your spiritual size and Spirit can move on to the next curriculum. Looking back at your life, you can understand which life lessons where taught to you and when.

“Also, as you take new goals in your spiritual journey, life will bring you the lessons to match these goals. This is why it matters so much to live in a state of awareness--like the tennis pro who anticipates from which angles the ball will come at him so as to respond swiftly and effectively.”

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