Thought Adjuster: “Children of the Earth, meditate on Love! Wouldn’t it be the best and safest direction for your thoughts? What you focus on, you bring into your reality and your planet is in dire need of being infused with the Love Substance that constantly streams from Paradise.
“You witness so many hate motivated deeds that harm the population at many levels of their being: physical harm; emotional trauma; etc. The deep wounds that get inflicted on innocent bystanders and their loved ones are hard to heal. The only true healers are Love coupled with Forgiveness. For many, this is not an easy place to get to as hate is malignant. It festers and self-reproduces.
“How can you brake this cycle of hate? How can you change these dysfunctional relational steps? Hate prevents one to see the ‘humanity’ in his planetary siblings. It causes a distorted perception just as it distorts the facial expression of the hater; it manifests ugliness, never beauty.
“Beware of hate, dear ones. Hate can never fix things; together with its twin sister anger, it unleashes destructive forces that level everything on their passage. “Impatience is a spirit poison; anger is like a stone hurled into a hornet’s nest.” [UB P557:4, 48:7.20] Anger and hate escalate violence. The only remedy to hate is Love. They are at the antipodes of one another. Love has it in itself to stop the ripple effects of hate. It takes a stand against it and contains it like a bullet proof jacket would stop a bullet.
“Dear ones, practice expanding your Love powers! Whenever you encounter a challenging situation where you feel hurt by an unloving behavior, take a deep breath and do not respond in kind. Rather, activate the Love Beamer of your heart and send Love to that person or that situation just as you would send light to a dark place, thus dispelling the threatening darkness. Love is more powerful than hate as Love is all pervading in the universes. Keep that in mind! Your planet is undergoing birth pangs and its dark spots are coming to the surfaces like suppurating abscesses that need to be pierced in order to heal.”