The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “I love it when you start your day with Me. I appreciate it when you turn to Me whether you feel happy or sad—no matter what you feel moment by moment.

“At times, the suffering you witness all around you makes you feel discouraged and powerless. You are living in very intense times where much is coming to the surface in order to be dealt with and healed. It is happening at all levels of life, as each human being is being called to embrace right ways of living. This requires stepping out of the box—a box that is overflowing with belief systems and opinions that may no longer be relevant with the current world situation.

“Truth is the only influence that can positively transform your world as it is the foundation of creation. Anything that strays away from Truth is a problem area. Period.

“It is time for everyone to be brutally honest with themselves. Truth can no longer be sugar coated. It has to be looked at straight in the eyes. How could any life be meaningful if it is not firmly anchored on the pillar of Truth?

“Be truthful with yourself. Reach out whenever you need assistance rather than feeling overwhelmed and becoming thus incapacitated. There are many uplifting energies available through reaching out to loved ones. They will uplift you with their positive energies and help you dispel the funk you may be going through. This is a service that you will be able to return in kind. This is what Love is all about.

“No one can be giving all the time. It is perfectly okay to be at the receiving end at times. Humbly reach out when you need help and it will be forthcoming in many ways. Be on the outlook and express Gratitude for these loving synchronicities. This will put you back in the swing of things.”

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