Teacher: “Dear child, as you were conditioning your sacred space to receive our input, you were also praying for those in needs of prayer, bringing them to your consciousness one by one and praying for their specific needs. You felt like the biblical mother hen gathering her chicks. The more your heart expands its capacity for love, the more love substance you can redirect on your earthly siblings.
“A mother bird takes care of the needs of her little ones until such time as they have developed their own abilities to take care of themselves. Their little beaks seem to be constantly receptive to the food that she gathers with TLC. She contributes to the further growth of their little bodies until the moment when they take their personal leap of faith by propelling themselves out of the comfort zone of the warmth of their nest and trust that they can fly. This is when they are truly born to fly!
“Have you ever seen fatalities resulting from that natural process of evolution among the winged species? No. Even though they have to operate on faith on their first flight, they are equipped to succeed. So are human beings. It may seem to you that you are constantly taking leaps of faith and yet those leaps of faith are just the expression of your free will decision to go with the divine flow. Whenever you feel nudged to leap, learn to identify which part of your being benefits from that leap.
“Also remember that faith is fearless. A bird jumping out of its nest for the first time is following its inner programming. It is unaware of it but it is what activates its desire to spread its wings. It has an inner knowing that it is what it is supposed to do. Whenever you feel nudged to take what you may at first consider as a chance, you go through the mental process of weighing the pros and the cons until such time as the weight of the pros exceeds the one of the cons. You know then that it is the time for you to leap and to rely on your own inner programming which drives you to do so.
“Look back to your life and identify those significant leaps. There were many major ones that truly altered the course of your life. There also were many minor ones that affected positively your life journey. Apparent obstacles are here to raise the bar of your achievements—to make you leap higher and higher—to help you ascend and transcend your lower self.
What a powerful emergence it is when you get transformed and upgraded one leap at a time!”