Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that each creature living in the universes has a very specific life purpose—very specific shoes to fill and that each shoe size varies. The good running of the creation constantly requires a multitude of specific and simultaneous functions to be carried out by experts in their field.
“On your planet, some societies are becoming so generic that the beautiful individuality is not coming to the fore as so many individuals are striving to fit into the same mold of fads and fashions—the same shoe size. This unfortunately greatly diminishes the pool of individual resources and creativity that are needed to bring the planet into Light and Life.
“A good pair of shoes is a perfect fit. If the size is not right, your feet will blister and the inflammation will slow down your progression. On the other hand, the most comfortable pair of shoe will take you a long way.
“Learn to discern in your life which elements feel foreign to you and are doing you a disservice. Learn to assert your individuality rather than to cowardly blend in with the masses. Do you have the assurance that the masses are not misguided like mindless lemmings?
“Societies need to select qualified leaders—leaders who have their highest good at heart and leaders who can identify individual strengths and enlist them to serve the welfare of the whole. It is very important to know yourself so that you can make your life decisions based on your personal talents- your personal-ity. This will guarantee that you are in alignment with your life purpose. Your talents are the tools of your craftsmanship. Yes, you are craftsmen meant to create beautiful masterpieces at many levels. And the craftsmen simultaneously craft themselves into a more and more perfected level of being. Life may bring you opportunities for growth, but ultimately you are the one choosing whether or not to take on the job—to accept the divine commission.
“Take time daily to assess the quality of your life. Learn to detect within you what makes you feel alive and fulfilled and follow this inner calling as it is truly calling you Home.”