The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, you are pondering the fact that the longer you live, the more loving connections you establish with many of the creatures that cohabitate with you on the planet—whether they are human beings, animals, or even from the plant kingdom. Whenever you detect beauty in someone or something, your sense of appreciation is being triggered and loving elements are activated within you in response to the perceived beauty.

“You could compare what happens within your heart to a wonderful infiltration of love. Your heart is like a macro-ocean that absorbs love droplets --one droplet at a time. It starts small at first—like a water puddle. As you invite into it more loving connections, it absorbs them and expands. The initial puddle grows into a pond, a lake, and will eventually connect with other water bodies and blend into the ocean of humanity…depending on your level of heart receptivity. The Source of Love intends to flow through all these loving circuits and blend Its essence with them.

“Your heart has unlimited expansion potentials. How sad it is that so many hearts have built shields and barriers around themselves as they perceive others as threatening agents, rather than potential allies! On your world especially, this type of paranoia prevents many to experience life at its fullest, as life has been meant to present everyone with opportunities to gather meaningful heart connections.

“Yes, dear ones, your mission statement while in this carnal envelope is to put your physical body to a loving service toward your surroundings and those in your life circles. A circle alsohas infinite expansion abilities.”

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