The Inner Sherpa



“Progress demands development of individuality; mediocrity seeks perpetuation in standardization.” [UB 48:7:29]

Thought Adjuster: “There are many ways to look at the above statement, as it applies to All-That-Is. In His creative endeavors, the Father of All brought forth extreme diversity. How boring and dull to your subtle senses if they merely amounted to generic mass production. Wouldn’t it cause you to question His ‘Infiniteness’?

“Why then refrain from expressing your colorful and one-of-a-kind personality? Each of you is an original, meant to stand out in the mesmerizing crowd. Yours is to add your shining piece to the giant stained-glass hologram that spans universes upon universes.

“How much of your individual touch have you added to the emerging masterpiece? What—if anything—did it contribute to the quality of your life? If it brings you joy and stimulates the flow of your creative juices, you are on the right track. You have begun to find yourself.

“On the other hand, if nothing particularly stands out in your auto-biography, you have not gotten in touch yet with what makes you, YOU. Aren’t you eager to find outwhat makes you so valuable and to contribute your ‘specialty’ to the general appreciation an enjoyment?

“Many unsuspected potentials are seeded in you. Life—in the now and the hereafter—will foster their release, cleverly orchestrating ever-renewed opportunities to get in touch with your ‘extra-ordinary' endowments. You are multi-karat gemstones, and your magnificent brilliance will stun you and others once cut to perfection.”

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