The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, “Ask and you shall receive.” This is ever true as the Father never refuses anything to His children, provided it is in alignment with His vision for them. This is an amazing safeguard as so many words are spoken without realizing what would be their impact if they came to be manifested.

“A human father or mother will too, in his/her wisdom weigh out his/her child’s request. They will grant it if it is not harmful to the child’s development, if it is in his/her best interest. The parent will welcome the child’s curiosity and will guide it to areas which are appropriate to the child’s spiritual and physical development as growth should not and cannot be rushed. The universe is a peace-filled universe where things are progressing in Divine order. This is why it runs smoothly.

“The Father has His hands and His say in your life. He knows which type of seedling you are and is providing you with all the care you need to reach your full bloom. Who you are is truly God’s personal gift to you, a gift that you are still unwrapping as you journey through this earthly life and as you will go on beyond this physical reality.

“Gratitude and enthusiasm are the feedback which brings joy to the Father as the Father lovingly gifted you and your appreciation is going straight to His heart. Do live in gratitude and appreciation. Do trust that you are in the best of hands. Do trust that you are being lovingly guided, guarded and protected. You are precious to the Father; you are His divine offspring. Do demonstrate the same respect toward others as they too are very precious and are the recipients of unique divine gifts. Help them recognize their own gifts as they help you come in touch with yours. You can be each other mirrors.”

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