The Inner Sherpa



“The Father in heaven has forgiven you even before you have thought to ask him, but such forgiveness is not available in your personal religious experience until such a time as you forgive your fellow men.” [UB 1638:04]

Thought Adjuster: “Those of you unable to forgive heap grudges upon grudges, thus generating a very toxic pile that blocks the view of more beautiful sightings. It could be compared to the polluting fumes escaping from the high chimney of a factory erected in front of their front window, thus hiding the vastness of the ocean or the majesty of the mountain tops.

Indeed, it does not take much to block your spiritual view and constrict the flow of the love in your heart. Luckily for you, the Father does not take offense. This is the reason why He forgives even before you think of asking. Indeed, for the one who does not take offense, what is there to forgive?

How can you get to such a point in your own dealings with your siblings? First of all, you can feel compassion toward their shortcomings. It does not mean that you condone their misdeeds but it helps you look at these as the expression of their spiritual immaturity, understanding that they do not know better at the time. You take into consideration their attenuating circumstances.

If you sincerely intend to set your life’s course toward godlikeness, you will have to reach that point where you can forgive in godlikeness. Entertaining grudges holds you back and gives to the past a negative pull that is adversarial to your spiritual progression. Do you really want to be held captives of the past? How then could you ever experience eternal happiness? Happiness is not sustainable without freedom of heart and mind.

The grudges held in your heart are also stored in your mental vault. By obsessively rehashing them, you turn your heart’s chamber into a petri dish of toxic feelings. Their process of fermentation keeps expanding them to the point where they grow bigger than life. Is it really what you want to achieve? Why not instead expand the love in your heart with the starter kit of forgiveness? As you love more and better, you will indeed get to discover the beautiful taste of forgiveness, as you will truly forgive your fellow men—feeling compassion toward them rather than contempt. Indeed, yours is not to judge but to forgive.”

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