The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Rather than gloomily wondering “What is wrong with me?”, why not turn things around by asking “What is right with me?” It is how I look at you from within—never holding your shortcomings against you but awed by your ‘longcomings.’ Don’t you see how far you have come under My compassionate watch?

I can only look at you with love, compassion, empathy, and the many hues of love. It is how you should behold yourself in your quest for Godlikeness. Upon your asking, I will itemize your endearing qualities—many of which you are oblivious to.

I dwell within you and know you inside out. I represent the Father on high who dispatched Me—a nanoparticle of Himself. I share His DNA. I truly AM the Father within, as we are united in will, heart, and mind—ever-focused on manifesting His short- and long-term vision through time and eternity.

Your shortcomings are growth opportunities—vacuums to be filled to the brim with the elixir of self-realization. Just as I believe in you, believe in yourself! Do not be deterred but stimulated by such doable enterprises. This winning attitude will help you gain ground, incrementally, to become synchronized with your matrix of perfection safeguarded in the Father’s mind since the moment of your immaculate conception.”

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