The Inner Sherpa



“You are commissioned to save men, not to judge them.” [UB 140:3:17]

Thought Adjuster: “Much precious energy gets squandered when human beings overstep the boundaries of their divine activation and call to action. Jesus made it abundantly clear to his twelve apostles that their sacred duty as his ambassadors was to love their enemies—not to judge them.

How could you save men if you judged them harshly, issuing death sentences without taking all mitigating facts under due consideration, driven by the malicious spell of volatile emotions that impair your objectivity?

Shouldn’t it come as a relief to grasp that you are not vested from On High with the credentials of judgeship but those of ambassadorship—to act as the loyal representatives of love in action, not the disbursers of punishment?

Love is the great connector and healer. Its absence is public enemy number one, preventing you from expressing the intelligence of your emotional heart and putting you at high risk of inflicting more harm to fragile souls that are already damaged goods.

Jesus catered to the hard-to-love and the unloved. He volunteered as their mentor and protector, identifying their unmet needs and pointing to the direction most likely to yield optimal results.

Your first assignment is to love yourself as the Father loves you. By finding out what makes you lovable, you can synergize your talents and gifts, putting them to higher service. While sharpening your discernment skills, it will boost your self-esteem, self-respect, and the faith you can legitimately have in yourself.

A rough physical appearance does not necessarily reflect the state of the soul. A book's tattered cover may give away its frequent use as a reference manual consulted amid tumultuous life predicaments.

Jesus stepped in as a human shield, a protector, and a compassionate mediator—a knight in shining armor of light. He never acted as an executioner, which would have been at the Antipode of his sacred duties as planetary savior.

Do you quietly strive to fill his big shoes, humbly going down to your knees to tender to those in need? Or are you vocal, harsh, and partial in dealings with those who you fail to understand? Your self-righteous tirades drain you energetically, preventing you from ‘being’ and ‘bringing’ the spiritual upliftment this world so direly needs.

“Discern the truth clearly; live the righteous life fearlessly; . . . walk in the clear light of living truth.” Wait until the truth dawns on your inquisitive mind. Its commanding authority will impart you with your marching orders.”

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